NHS to Hire Hackers to Probe for Security Vulnerabilities and Prevent Future Cyberattacks

May of 2017, hackers from WannaCry ransom-ware had exploited vulnerabilities in the UK's National Health Service system. WannaCry installed a malicious virus which caused a huge disturbance in the healthcare system. Nearly 50 NHS Trusts were affected resulting in cancelled appointments.

Approximately 600 Surgeries across the UK were impacted, causing 5 hospitals to divert ambulances to other locations, and canceling 19,500 appointments. This attack did have a large impact on the operation, but was mitigated quickly, causing less damage than what could've happened. With standard Cyber security procedures and protocols, this event could have been avoided. Morse issued a warning, saying, “The Department [of Health] and the NHS need to get their act together to ensure the NHS is better protected against future attacks.”

Currently a fundraiser is taking place to raise money for UK to build up their security. Approximately, £20 million has been set aside to help prevent such incidents again. Some of the money will be used to fund ethical hacking, bringing in hackers to test and find issues in the platform. This fund will help be proactive rather reactive, ensuring security weaknesses are found and resolved. 



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