Final Blog--Canada vs. USA: Healthcare System

In this project, my initial goal was to compare and contrast the differences of the health system between the United States and Canada. When it comes to the different health systems, a different system in a different country always seems better to many people. Many Canadians in politics believe that a free market is better, however in America we believe the single payer is the solution. The reason for the single payer system is due to the advocates in politics. One statement that was made before the healthcare bill was: 
"Canada's health care system is the subject of much political controversy and debate in the country. Some question the efficiency of the current system to deliver treatments in a timely fashion, and advocate adopting a private system similar to the United States. Conversely, there are worries that privatization would lead to inequalities in the health system with only the wealthy being able to afford certain treatments"

Prior to research, I thought the evidence was clear and would be simple, however it was not as easy. I found that the Canadian health system has many issues just like the US system but the issues were different. Many patients are unable to see a doctor within a 24-48 hours of making an appointment, many tend to wait weeks or months. Hospital lines are extremely long, and hospitals are understaffed as well as under equipped. Each patient has been allotted a maximum of 15 minutes per visit with a sign posted in offices asking the patients to limit their questions to 2 questions or less per visit. This change was not to deter patients from coming to the office but due to the government healthcare cuts. Dr Douglas Mark said “The government is rationing healthcare. We have half the hospital beds we need. We need 50 per cent more doctors right now.”

“There are people waiting everywhere for access to emergency departments and specialists — so doctors are doing this as a form of survival.”

Although the single payer system is easy and great for the population as a whole, there are set backs. In most other systems, such the US's hybrid system complicates the billing however seeking medical attention is quicker and many hospitals are not over worked. Throughout my research, I was surprised to learn that it takes so long to get medical attention, but the trade off is that everyone is covered under a uniform insurance. Another thing I learned and found interesting was that the Canadian Health Act has a five principals that I was unable to find in the US health bill. The five pillars are:
  • Public Administration: All administration of provincial health insurance must be carried out by a public authority on a non-profit basis. They also must be accountable to the province or territory, and their records and accounts are subject to audits.
  • Comprehensiveness: All necessary health services, including hospitals, physicians and surgical dentists, must be insured.
  • Universality: All insured residents are entitled to the same level of health care.
  • Portability: A resident that moves to a different province or territory is still entitled to coverage from their home province during a minimum waiting period. This also applies to residents which leave the country.
  • Accessibility: All insured persons have reasonable access to health care facilities. In addition, all physicians, hospitals, etc, must be provided reasonable compensation for the services they provide.
After all the research, I realized that not one system is superior and there will always be a group of politicians and advocates that want to push for a single solution and not address the issues that come with that solution. In the Canadian system it is the time, doctors and equipment that is lacking but the payment is not. In the US it is the payment that is the issue while the equipment and staff are top of the line and not over worked. To address these issues, these bills need to be passed by thinking through it thoroughly, thinking of what can be the issue and how can we resolve them instead of saying lets pass it and we can figure it out later. This method will always create friction in any system. 


  1. This was a great in depth look at the differences between Canada's healthcare system and the United States system. I am glad you could go more into detail because I only touched on this in my project and I was left wondering what the exact reasons and causes of the lower cost and arguably higher quality Canada offers.

    The political aspect is an important one to research and it seems like you found some interesting parts about how that plays a part. I would also like to know how their drug administering system works. Do they have a counterpart to the FDA that oversees our country's pharmaceuticals. Also how is their overall health much better than ours and is it because of the dietary differences we have?

    In conclusion, great work and I look forward to learning about more about Canada's healthcare system after reading this project.

  2. Canada is always considered as one of the best healthcare countries in the world, however, I am surprised to see that they have their own problems, which patients are waiting too long, and the single tax pay system is not good enough. I agree with you only the hybrid systems will work, and the system cannot be copied from country to country because each country has its different situation regarding to the healthcare. The system always has to be customized to suit a country. It is good to learn from Canada because the U.S. will see its weakness and remedy it.


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